Baby Chicks

Yesterday afternoon we decided to head into town so that Lem could go and see the baby chicks that one of the stores has every year before Easter. It was a lot of fun, in spite of the fact that the first thing that she tried to do was poke the poor chick in the eye.

Here are some pictures.




As far as decluttering is going, the Diabetes Association has come and gone for our pickup and we are already looking forward to the next. Tomorrow we have an appointment at 10:30 a.m. with a children’s consignment store, and so hopefully we will be able to sell a large chunk of Lem’s clothes all together.

It’s amazing how many very cute outfits that she had.

And if you got this far in my blog post, then you deserve a picture A-man’s smiling self.


1 Comment

  1. mestroh said,

    March 30, 2010 at 11:10 am

    You made my morning! THANKS!!!

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